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Get rid of your scars with Dermatix scar treatments


Whether it's from a minor cut, scratch or burn, surgery, C-section delivery or acne, scars are a part of everyone's lives, and are often more than just a mark on our skin. A large scar near a joint might impede motion or cause pain, while scars in prominent locations can negatively impact our confidence - that's why it is important to understand our scars and learn how to manage them so they don't get in the way of the life you want to live!

Rawatan parut Dermatix®

Untuk parut pembedahan
Dermatix Ultra
  • Terbukti secara klinikal
  • Memudarkan, menghaluskan dan meratakan parut
  • Mudah digunakan, tidak berminyak, cepat kering dan tanpa pewangi
Untuk parut jerawat
Dermatix Acne
  • Mencerahkan tompok, tanda dan parut gelap
  • Menghalang pembentukan parut dan jeragat baharu
  • Formulasi Teknologi inovatif silikon CPX dan ActivGCS (ekstrak lendir siput)
Acne Scar New
Untuk parut biasa
dermatix advance
  • Formula parut terkini
  • Memudarkan, menghaluskan dan meratakan parut
  • Dengan Ester Vitamin C untuk merangsang pemudaran
Merawati Parut-parut Anak Anda
Ultra Logo
  • Lembut untuk kulit halus.
  • Terbukti secara klinikal dapat memudarkan, melembutkan dan meratakan parut.
  • Ester vitamin C untuk pencerahan yang dipertingkatkan.
  1. Yun IS, et al. Aesth Plast Surg (2013) 37:1176-1181
  2. Chernoff WG, et al. Aesth Plast Surg 2007;31:495-500
  3. Fulton JE. Dermatol Surg 1995;21:947-951
  4. CR&D, S. L. Inner skin activators: Skin feel and skin smoothing enhancers (2016). Retrieved from: (page 2)
  5. Dermatologist shines light on natural ingredients used in new topical treatments for hyperpigmentation. American Academy of Dermatology, 2014. Retrieved from:
  6. Tang, S. C., & Yang, J. H. (2018). Dual Effects of Alpha-Hydroxy Acids on the Skin. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 23(4), 863. doi:10.3390/molecules23040863
  7. Open label, uncontrolled clinical investigation on the safety and clinical performance of papix acne scar in the prevention and improvement of acne scars. Clinical investigation in Italy. 20 November 2018 (Data on File)
  8. Thiele, J. J., Hsieh, S. N. & Ekanayake-Mudiyanselage, S., (2005). Vitamin E: Critical Review of Its Current Use in Cosmetic and Clinical Dermatology. Dermatol Surg. 2005 Jul;31(7 Pt 2):805-13; discussion 813. Retrieved from:
  9. Gupta, M., Mahajan, V. K., Mehta, K. S., & Chauhan, P. S. (2014). Zinc therapy in dermatology: a review. Dermatology research and practice, 2014, 709152. Retrieved from: (under point 7.1. Acne Vulgaris)



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